Road Life


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Parkway Crossing

15"x15" giclee print $120

6 card assortment with this print included, $17

The House Mouse can have 3-16 babies per litter every 2 months. They really are cute to look at, but I have battled them throughout my old house inhabitance. To many people they symbolize innocence, shyness, fluffy, bright-eyed appeal. The snake elicits an opposite response, often considered evil. I appreciate the snake for helping diminish the rodent population. They have a certain grace if observed at a respectful distance. While biking up the Parkway one early morning I saw a black snake stretch across most of the road, soaking up the heat. I didn’t jump off my bike quickly enough to warn the pickup coming our way.

1957 Chrysler New Yorker and 1960 Chevrolet Impala. I used to have a Dodge Dart this color. To me, new cars don’t have the visual appeal old ones did.

House Mouse, Northern Black Racer

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(C) Copyright Robin Hanes 2008